Sauna de cabaña de madera
The log cabin sauna: wood as far as the eye can see.Visually, this type of sauna is always a highlight: due to the good insulating properties of thick log cabin planks, no additional insulation is ...
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Todos los tipos de sauna
The log cabin sauna: wood as far as the eye can see.
Visually, this type of sauna is always a highlight: due to the good insulating properties of thick log cabin planks, no additional insulation is needed on the walls of the free-standing log cabin sauna. This means that an optimal exchange of air can take place without being hindered by vapour barrier membranes and insulation layers.
Type: classic Finnish sauna
Temperature: hot, 80-120° (as much as the heater can provide)
Humidity: low, approx. 20%.
Recommended length of stay: 10-12 minutes
Special features
- Outdoor or garden sauna
- completely made of wood, mostly logs between 10 and 30cm in diameter
- Popularly used as an infusion sauna
Difference to the classic Finnish sauna
The log sauna is actually a subspecies of the Finnish sauna. Due to the stronger outdoor reference, sometimes a slightly increased humidity.
- Flushing out waste products
- Beneficial for the respiratory tract
- Strengthens the body's defences (e.g. against colds)
Playing with fire
Especially for remote locations, it is a good idea to operate the sauna with a wood-burning stove, completely without electricity or water supply. Especially in complete seclusion at a remote lake or in the middle of the forest, you can enjoy a sauna in the great outdoors. The burning wood removes the last moisture from the air.
Ejemplo de ideas para Sauna de cabaña de madera
Así es como puede ser una sauna con Sauna de cabaña de madera.
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